To Be A Water Protector

The Rise of the Wiindigoo Slayers by Winona LaDuke

To Be a Water Protector, explores issues that have been central to her activism for many years — sacred Mother Earth, our despoiling of Earth and the activism at Standing Rock and opposing Line 3. For this book, Winona discusses several elements of a New Green Economy and the lessons we can take from activists outside the US and Canada. In her unique way of storytelling, Winona LaDuke is inspiring, always a teacher and an utterly fearless activist, writer and speaker.

This book is written in the spirit of acknowledging that Water is Life. This book is a testimony of the resistance and defeat of the Wiindigoo. The term, “Water Protector,” became mainstream under a hail of rubber bullets at Standing Rock. This book is about that spirit, and that spirit is forever.

It is the time of the Water Protectors. It has always been. It's also the time of the Wiindigoo. I am writing and editing this book at a time when the world stands still, quarantined with COVID-19, a virus. It is amazing time. I’m grateful to be here and to share these stories of Water Protectors. Or as Isaac Murdock tells us, 

“ … In the future, our descendants will be sitting around a fire in their lodges telling this story of when the two legged tried to destroy the earth. We are no doubt in a sacred legend that will be told for thousands of years. For whatever reasons, we have been specifically placed here on earth to participate in this incredibly sacred time. We need to believe in what our hearts tells us and to find the strength to follow it. The sacred story needs heroes and we are the chosen ones. Rise strong and never stop believing in the great power of this earth. We are completely surrounded by our ancestors.” - Issac Murdoch

I am not the first Water Protector, nor the last.  And as I write this beginning, I want to acknowledge the Water Protectors I have known - great role models and leaders. There are many, they are young and old. - Winona LaDuke, To Be A Water Protector: The Rise of the Wiindigoo Slayers

To Be A Water Protector: The Rise of the Wiindigoo Slayers (Gift Combo with Coffee + Ceramic Travel Mug)
Sale Price: $60.00 Original Price: $65.00


Examination Copy Request: To Be A Water Protector

Environment & SustainabilityIndigenous Resistance & Decolonization

  • ISBN: 9781773632674

    Forthcoming November 2020

    128 Pages

    For sale worldwide

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